When you think of ordering pressure washing services, which surfaces do you think of cleaning first before others? Most homeowners prioritize what they consider the most visible surfaces, so they're most likely to order window cleaning or roof cleaning without hesitation.
What about driveway cleaning? Isn't that important as well?
It's a common misconception that passersby pay little to no attention to the driveway of your home. Therefore, since the driveway isn't as visible, logic dictates that you wouldn't need to order pressure washing for it as often as you would other surfaces.
That logic is very misguided. Passersby are certainly paying attention to your driveway. In fact, they're paying more attention to it than you think, and if your driveway is covered in dirt, grime, and stains, then it's diminishing the curb appeal of your home.
A yearly driveway cleaning is more than enough to keep the surface in the best of shape. Is it possible to wait a little longer between cleanings? Sure, but that all depends on the environment you live in. Consider the following variables:
Do you see a lot of precipitation?
Is it very windy where you live?
Are you in close proximity to places that generate smoke or debris, such as factories or refineries?
If you've answered "yes" to any or all of the above, then holding off on driveway cleaning is actively doing harm to your driveway as we speak. In fact, it's almost as if you're inviting the "fearsome four" - algae, mold, mildew, and moss - to settle home-free on your driveway. Along with other dirt, debris, and stains, these things leave your driveway susceptible to cracks and dents, aging it and wearing it down a great deal.
If you're still unsure of how important it is to your home to maintain a clean driveway, give Squeaky Solihull today. One of our friendly pressure washing pros will be happy to consult with you and schedule an appointment.
As your local Solihull pressure washing experts, we offer a variety of cleaning tips and articles geared toward helping you learn more about the fine art of pressure washing. Check them out on our Pressure Washing Tips page!
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Squeaky Solihull are currently providing a reliable and regular residential window cleaning service in:
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